Or specifically, our cat and a mole. Aren't cats supposed to catch these things? Apparently our cat didn't get the memo. As Monk would say...'Here's what happened....; (btw, I love Monk!)........
I was up very early checking on an ebay auction, which I lost by 79 cents(!!!!) because I had fallen asleep, when I heard this high pitched squealing, screaching sound. At first I thought it must be a bush scraping against a window since the wind was picking up again. A few minutes later I heard it again only this time I was able to tell it was coming from inside the house. I started to look around and noticed something in the kitchen doorway on the floor, like a little muddy dribble. I grabbed a paper towel and was able to discern that it was fresh. I don't think I need to tell you what was. Then I saw our cat crouched in front of the piano. As she reached underneath it I again heard the disturbing noice. No denying it now, she had something cornered!!! Yeah!!!!! Not!!!! After a few minutes of stalking and running from one end of the piano to the other, she backed off. She moved across the room, still in a crouched position so I thought "She's gonna give it some room and then when it makes a break for it,she'll pounce"
Ok , I was partly right, that was her intent, I'm sure. Here's the reality. The creature, (I still don't know exactly what it is at this point in the saga) the creature does just what the cat/I expected it to do , and then......our worthless excuse of a cat, runs up to it and stops.....a foot away from it. She stays at that distance as she FOLLOWS it around the corner, into the kitchen, across the front of the cupboards, and under the stove, where she crouches again. I think "Maybe she'll get it now". NOPE. I notice her attention shifting to behind the garbage can, and sure enough, there it goes, along the baseboard, under the laundry room door to freedom. Now I can see that it is a mole, not a mouse. Moles don't have very good eyesight and don't move very fast, so I'm thinking it probably didn't even know it was being followed by the two of us. Our worthless excuse of a mousecatcher had plenty of opportunity to do the job she was created for. (I know what you're thinking, if I was following the mole too why didn't I just get it? Because it's not my job, that's why! It's her job!) Now I can't sleep because I know there's an intruder in our house and it's freaking me out. Since that time our cat has made countless trips through her cat door to the laundry room. Obviously just from curiosity 'cause it's apparent she's not going to do anything about it. Worthless!!!!!!
Except she's really cute and soft and snuggly!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Check this out !!!
The best candles in the WORLD !!!!!
Posted by
Mary / Touch of Heaven
5:24 PM
Friday, November 27, 2009
Just in time......
Just in time for Christmas !!!
New hats just listed in my Etsy shop. http://www.atouchofheaven.etsy.com/
New hats just listed in my Etsy shop. http://www.atouchofheaven.etsy.com/
a Candy Cane hat ...Yum
Peppermint Candy hat ...Yum, yum
another version of Peppermint Candy hat ... Yum, yum ,yum
OK, so it's not a peppermint candy hat but just as yummy, don't you think?
Precious granddaughter!Santa hat
Aba-daba-daba.....that's all folks !
go to http://www.atouchofheaven.etsy.com/ to see more !
Posted by
Mary / Touch of Heaven
10:40 PM
candy cane,
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Just ask
I had some "free" time at CrossRoads last night so here are some pictures...
the outdoor decorations my husband (recovering from a BAD cold) so selflessly helped me set up:
the outdoor decorations my husband (recovering from a BAD cold) so selflessly helped me set up:
the GIANT burning log...yes, there really is a log there.....
it's like a big, wood chimney...really impressive to watch
My shop all decked out....
New hats....
Hats are also available at http://www.atouchofheaven.etsy.com/
CrossRoads is open every Sat. until the Sat. before Christmas. Come and see me! Right now
I'm running a special for November on floral arrangements including Christmas wreaths!If you come see me and say " I read your blog", I'll add an additional 10% off the November special !
Now for a more serious topic:
Please pray for all the family and friends affected by the recent tragedy at Fort Hood. Our family is thanking God that our daughter was not on post that day. Last year, at this time, she would have been. This year, she was nearby at a local school, shook up, but safe. Ironically, our son-in-law was 'safe' in Iraq rather than on post where he undoubtably would have been had he been home. God ways are curious and mysterious and sometimes we don't understand why things happen as they do. I don't believe God ever does a bad thing, I believe He allows bad things to happen. He isn't a puppet master, pulling strings and controlling every thing. Would we really want that? Would we really want a God that gives us no opportunity to make our own choices? But thankfully, if we ask Him, He will help guide us to make the right choices, He will forgive us when we make the wrong ones, and He will turn our bad choices into good results, if we ask. Just ask.
Posted by
Mary / Touch of Heaven
6:21 AM
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
What I've learned
This is what I've learned from watching the world series:
1. A foul is a strike but a strike is not a foul
2. Jorge can be pronounced Hor-hay and George
3. My dad loves the Yankees but gets frustrated and calls them the Catz and Jammer kids
4. There's spit - everywhere - from everyone - what did their mother's teach them ? Is all that fluid really necessary?
5. There's alot of jewelry.....some of it looks like rope
6. My husband tries to explain the game to me...a lost cause I think
7. I feel sorry for the pitcher when they get replaced, right in front of everyone, in the middle of the field. Why can't they do it quietly, in the dugout, so it's not so embarrassing?
8.....did I mention all the spitting????????
9. Utley looks like Eric close
10. Jeter looks like Jeter
The end
1. A foul is a strike but a strike is not a foul
2. Jorge can be pronounced Hor-hay and George
3. My dad loves the Yankees but gets frustrated and calls them the Catz and Jammer kids
4. There's spit - everywhere - from everyone - what did their mother's teach them ? Is all that fluid really necessary?
5. There's alot of jewelry.....some of it looks like rope
6. My husband tries to explain the game to me...a lost cause I think
7. I feel sorry for the pitcher when they get replaced, right in front of everyone, in the middle of the field. Why can't they do it quietly, in the dugout, so it's not so embarrassing?
8.....did I mention all the spitting????????
9. Utley looks like Eric close
10. Jeter looks like Jeter
The end
Posted by
Mary / Touch of Heaven
10:59 PM
Monday, October 26, 2009
New dishwasher - sort of
I've got a new/different dishwasher. Woo-hoo! Now the question is, where do I put all the plastic microwave dishes that I've been storing in the old one for 3 years? And do I need them all? My kids say 'no', but I say 'you never know'. So for now, they're all over my kitchen, every flat service has some sort of plastic on it. I think I'll just stay in the livingroom watching Gibbs and McGee and forget it's there.
And, because I haven't posted any photos in a few days, here are a few:
And, because I haven't posted any photos in a few days, here are a few:
Keep checking back for news and pics. Christmas at CrossRoads starts Nov. 6 ! I'll post pics of my shoppe all snazzed up for the holidays ! HO HO HO !
Posted by
Mary / Touch of Heaven
8:15 PM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I'm old.....
Ok. Who, besides me, remembers a world without hair "product"? When did it become fashionable to slather your hair with gunk and goo and consider it style? Some of us are old enough to remember when squeaky clean hair was a good thing. Well, today I was "in style". It was one of those days when I really wanted to get some shopping done but didn't want to wait the hour and a half it takes me to sufficiently fix my hair. (Wash, dry, style) (Sorry, I can hear all my children and their collective - eeuuuwww). Tell me, in this day and age, when going green is the thing, what is greener - chemical laden gunk and goo, or natural product? So, for today and any other day I choose, I'm opting for the use of natural hair product and cosidering myself very with it (does anyone say with it anymore?). If anyone asks, I'm using a "product" called 'Hair Go Green' (wink,wink). Or maybe not....... it goes against everything my mother taught me.
Posted by
Mary / Touch of Heaven
5:30 PM
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Soccer team number 1 again !
My son's varsity soccer team is once again number one in their league. If you check my previous posts from several years ago, you'll see we've been here before. Only this time, my son isn't a starting player. This time he's the assistant coach. Go Blue!!! Congratulations to the coaches and players for not only great playing, skills, and strategy but for good sportsmanship. We all like our children to do well and be a part of a successful team , regardless of what that team is, be it a sports team, a scholastic team, a musical competition, etc. Winning feels great, but that euphoric feeling fades after a while, however, the lessons learned about cooperation and sportmanship and fair play last a lifetime. So to the players and coaches, savor the winning feeling, but be really proud of the fact that you won and didn't sacrifice your honor and integrity. GO BLUE !!!!!
Posted by
Mary / Touch of Heaven
9:37 PM
Friday, October 16, 2009
Snow? So soon? OK, Western NY is no stanger to snow, but so soon? Here's the proof....
See through the lush green foliage? That's snow on the roof of our van.
See through the lush green foliage? That's snow on the roof of our van.
And here's the roof of our garage....
And our neighbor's.....
Just got off the phone with my Mom (remember, the painter?) They are in the Finger Lakes and had 1 inch ON THE GROUND !!!! And so it starts........
Posted by
Mary / Touch of Heaven
11:03 AM
a touch of heaven,
Finger Lakes,
Western NY
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My shop at The CrossRoads Farm and Craft Market
In my last post I showed you some of my children's novelty hats that I sell on my Etsy store and at my shop at the CrossRoads Market. I thought you might like to see what my shop looks like this year, so, here's a few pictures. Thanks to my wonderful daughter and her fancy smancy camera for such great pics.......
Some of my baby sweaters and baby ponchos:
Some of my baby sweaters and baby ponchos:
Here's a shot of one of my door displays. My Mom does all the painting....
Here's the other door, along with a vintage ironing board painted with a lighthouse (lighthouses are BIG around here 'cause we have the first ever gas powered lighthouse. )
This is my jewelry case, Makes my shop look official doesn't it?
Some more of my Mom's paintings....she paints on anything.....hide your children....not really
Meet Penelope. She stands guard over things.
......hat display....it's really a plant stand.....could you tell?.....never mind, it works !
last one......my new "thing"...handstamped leather...great frustration reliever!
Had enough? I have more.......maybe later.
Have a great day! "This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it" Psalm 118:24
What a great verse. Try saying it with the emphasis on a different word each time...gives you a different perspective......- - Mary
Posted by
Mary / Touch of Heaven
9:59 AM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wow! It's been a looooooong time!
So many changes since my last post ! Graduations, weddings, grandchildren, getting older.......
God has certainly been good! We now have 3 beautiful grandchildren, 3 wonderful son-in-laws, and a cat. (Our dog tolerates her with distainful patience)
Here's what I've been up to lately: New products in my CrossRoads shop and on my etsy store. Take a look......
Childrens Puppy hat.....soft, fluffy ears
an Elephant hat too......
One more......

There will be more whenever creativity takes over..I'm thinking...a football, kitten, turkey....???
More later.....I think
Take Care - Mary
Posted by
Mary / Touch of Heaven
10:04 AM
a touch of heaven,
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