Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mistletoe Season, Three Christmas Stories by Kathleen Fuller, Pepper Basham and Sheila Roberts

This is a collection of three novellas all involving mistletoe.  They are heartwarming and uplifting stories that are easy to read and bring holiday joy.

The first is Return to Mistletoe by Kathleen Fuller. This story is about a single mom, Emmy and her adopted daughter, Carina.  They own an antique shop called Mistletoe Antiques in a town named Mistletoe.  Emmy and her former boyfriend, opened the store together but shortly after receiving a business loan, he left taking all the money with him.  She is left trying to keep the store going.   She is surprised when her high school crush, Kieran, returns after living in Ireland for over 20 years. He is also her best friend’s brother.  As they renew their friendship they both realize that the developing relationship is more than a friendship.  They have some obstacles to overcome, the biggest one being that Kieran returns to Ireland.  What will become of their renewed relationship?

A Mistletoe Prince by Pepper Basham is the second story.  Arran is royalty, a prince, with a bad-boy reputation. His family sends him to live with his sister in America and to work for her husband, Luke, who owns a construction company. Another stipulation is that Arran must help with the annual Christmas charity event, the Mistletoe Wish.  Luke’s cousin, Charlotte, or Charlie, as they call her, is in charge of the charity and also works for the construction company.  They have a rather comical and unfortunate first meeting. Charlie reluctantly decides she needs his help.  Arran’s sister, Ellie, enlists Arran’s help in giving Charlie, a self proclaimed tom-boy, a makeover.  Will Arran change his bad-boy ways and what will he and Charlie discover about themselves along the way?

The third story in this collection is Say No to Mistletoe by Sheila Roberts. In this story, Hailey Fairchild, a romance writer, has had bad experiences with dates and mistletoe kisses. The author gives us an accounting of Hailey’s last three disastrous relationships all beginning with a kiss under the mistletoe. Hailey has vowed she will never kiss under the mistletoe again.  When she returns home to spend Christmas with her family, she discovers her brother’s new girlfriend is the mean girl from high school.  She is a hairdresser and convinces Hailey to let her color her hair.  She purposely colors it bright green, and this is how Hailey looks when she sees her high school crush, Carwyn, for the first time in years.  Hailey is convinced that in order for her to have a relationship with Carwyn, she must stay away from any mistletoe kisses.  Their relationship seems to be progressing but problems arise when she realizes that their relationship would have to be a long distance one. He lives in her hometown and she lives in New York City, where her publisher is. After several months, Hailey knows she must make a decision.  Will Hailey get over her fears?  Will their relationship survive?

These three stories are lighthearted, clean romances filled with fun holiday spirit.

This is from the publisher’s website:

Say No to Mistletoe by Sheila Roberts

Mistletoe is Hailey Fairchild’s kryptonite. Every time she’s kissed someone under the mistletoe it’s led to love disaster. Not a good thing for a romance writer! When she was a gawky high school girl, her hunky neighbor, Carwyn Davies, star of the basketball team (and her dreams), kissed her under the mistletoe on a dare. But the kiss wasn’t a dream come true. It was a mortifying moment she’s never forgotten, and now she’s about to go home for the holidays, unengaged and . . . determined to say no to mistletoe. Especially if Carwyn is anywhere around.

Return to Mistletoe by Kathleen Fuller

Emmy Banks has always loved Christmas. How could she not when she lives in Mistletoe, Missouri? Kieran O’Neill has spent years abroad, renovating an old Irish castle, but returns to Mistletoe for his mother’s seventieth birthday. He reconnects with Emmy, his sister’s close friend, and spends time with her in her charming antique shop. When the weather turns colder, things start to warm up between Emmy and Kieran. But can Emmy risk her heart when she knows he’ll never stay in Mistletoe, and she will never leave?

The Mistletoe Prince by Pepper Basham

Prince Arran St. Clare has lost his freedom and fairytale life in exchange for a three-month “punishment” in the small town of Ransom, North Carolina. To prove he is ready for the royal life for which he was born, Arran must engage in the Christmas charity fundraiser, The Mistletoe Wish. But when kindness, authenticity, and hard work prove more appreciated in Appalachia than a royal pedigree, Arran must face the mirror and find out who he is beyond the crown. Add a beautiful and intelligent woman who doesn’t recognize her own worth, some mistletoe, and a little Christmas magic and it all might be enough to help the rebel-prince understand what truly matters most.”


Go HERE to read an excerpt 




I received a complimentary ARC of this book from the Thomas Nelson, Harper Collins via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed  are my own.


Wednesday, October 09, 2024

The Color of Home by Kit Tosello ~ a book review ~ Faith and family `

This story is primarily about two women, Audrey and her aunt, Daisy.  Audrey works for a trendy interior design firm in the city and is working to advance her career.  She puts that in jeopardy when she leaves to help Daisy get her home ready for sale. Daisy’s husband, Dean, is suffering from Alzheimers, and Daisy is finding it hard to manage the home and his health care.  Audrey spent many memorable times there with her father because he was raised by them.  Along with helping Daisy with her home, Audrey takes on the self-appointed task of finding out who currently owns the once thriving inn across the road and why it is in such disrepair. She feels a closeness to it because her father used to help maintain the grounds, and Daisy was their cook.

While she is staying there, she meets a young girl who she takes under her wing.  She also meets Cade, Daisy’s best friend’s son.

As all her relationships grow and develop, she begins to realize what is important in life. She has a strong faith but is not a ‘church goer’.  She has been disillusioned by ‘fake’ Christians.

The author weaves the element of faith throughout the story but not in a preachy way. 

The story switches between Audrey and Daisy’s point of view and their distinctive personalities are evident. 

This is from the publisher’s website:

“The life she's designing may not be the life she's meant to live

Bay Area interior designer to the rich and pretentious, Audrey Needham is already on thin ice with her impossible-to-please boss when her great-aunt Daisy asks for support as her husband descends into Alzheimer's. Now Audrey is risking the career she worked hard to build as she returns to Charity Falls, Oregon.

Her feelings toward the idyllic small town are . . . complicated. While she has many good memories of her childhood summers there, Charity Falls is also the place her father was killed in a tragic fire at the Sugar Pine Inn thirteen years ago.

Despite Audrey's intent to avoid emotional entanglement, something should be done about the deteriorating inn. A local girl with an incarcerated father needs a friend. And handsome local do-gooder Cade Carter is coloring Audrey all shades of uncertain. The pull of home is hard to resist.”

Go HERE to read an excerpt

This is an enjoyable story about self-discovery, spiritual growth, forgiveness and overcoming obstacles.

The ending came too fast and too soon!

Go HERE to learn more about Kit Tosello






I received a complimentary ARC of this book from the publisher, Revell and Baker Publishing via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed  are my own.


Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The Christmas Tree Farm, A Christmas novella by Melody Carlson

Madison returns to the family Christmas tree farm after spending many years overseas teaching. The farm and surrounding areas , have suffered from a devastating wild fire. Madison’s sister, Addie remained on the farm to care for her father and grandparents.  The sisters disagree on what they should do with the farm. Addie has had enough and wants to sell it. Madison wants to bring the farm back to it’s former success. Madison’s former boyfriend, Gavin, has also returned and lives next door with his daughters.  He never really explained why he stop his relationship with Madison and married someone else so quickly.  Addie, having lived next to Gavin for the last few years has developed feelings for him.  Madison befriends Gavin’s youngest daughter, Lilly. She and Gavin help Madison replant, over Addie’s objections.  The sister’s relationship suffers and tensions are high. Addie behaves rather badly toward Madison, but Madison tries to treat Addie with kindness, understanding and patience.

This story is about self-sacrifice, forgivness and reconciliation.  This is a clean, enjoyable story that is not overly “Christmasy” and while Christian faith is present, it’s minimal.

This is from the publisher’s website:

“Christmas is the perfect time for old memories, new beginnings, and second chances

When Madison McDowell returns from teaching overseas, she has high hopes of picking up where she left off at her family's Christmas tree farm in Oregon. But between damage from a recent wildfire and the neglect due to her sister Addie's unwillingness to invest, the farm is in sad shape. In fact, Addie is intent on selling the property. And to top it off, Madison's former high school flame, the now-widowed Gavin Thompson, has plans to break her heart again by turning his neighboring property into a dusty, noisy dirt bike track for his daughter.

With the odds stacked against her, Madison decides there's only one thing to do: double down on her dreams. It will require a ton of hard work--and some help from an unlikely ally--to save the farm she so dearly loves. But it may take a Christmas miracle to restore her relationship with her sister.”

Go HERE to read an excerpt 

Go HERE to learn more about Melody Carlson and her books 





I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell and Baker Publishing Group through their book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed above are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”



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