Wednesday, October 09, 2024

The Color of Home by Kit Tosello ~ a book review ~ Faith and family `

This story is primarily about two women, Audrey and her aunt, Daisy.  Audrey works for a trendy interior design firm in the city and is working to advance her career.  She puts that in jeopardy when she leaves to help Daisy get her home ready for sale. Daisy’s husband, Dean, is suffering from Alzheimers, and Daisy is finding it hard to manage the home and his health care.  Audrey spent many memorable times there with her father because he was raised by them.  Along with helping Daisy with her home, Audrey takes on the self-appointed task of finding out who currently owns the once thriving inn across the road and why it is in such disrepair. She feels a closeness to it because her father used to help maintain the grounds, and Daisy was their cook.

While she is staying there, she meets a young girl who she takes under her wing.  She also meets Cade, Daisy’s best friend’s son.

As all her relationships grow and develop, she begins to realize what is important in life. She has a strong faith but is not a ‘church goer’.  She has been disillusioned by ‘fake’ Christians.

The author weaves the element of faith throughout the story but not in a preachy way. 

The story switches between Audrey and Daisy’s point of view and their distinctive personalities are evident. 

This is from the publisher’s website:

“The life she's designing may not be the life she's meant to live

Bay Area interior designer to the rich and pretentious, Audrey Needham is already on thin ice with her impossible-to-please boss when her great-aunt Daisy asks for support as her husband descends into Alzheimer's. Now Audrey is risking the career she worked hard to build as she returns to Charity Falls, Oregon.

Her feelings toward the idyllic small town are . . . complicated. While she has many good memories of her childhood summers there, Charity Falls is also the place her father was killed in a tragic fire at the Sugar Pine Inn thirteen years ago.

Despite Audrey's intent to avoid emotional entanglement, something should be done about the deteriorating inn. A local girl with an incarcerated father needs a friend. And handsome local do-gooder Cade Carter is coloring Audrey all shades of uncertain. The pull of home is hard to resist.”

Go HERE to read an excerpt

This is an enjoyable story about self-discovery, spiritual growth, forgiveness and overcoming obstacles.

The ending came too fast and too soon!

Go HERE to learn more about Kit Tosello






I received a complimentary ARC of this book from the publisher, Revell and Baker Publishing via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed  are my own.


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