Friday, November 27, 2009

Just in time......

Just in time for Christmas !!!
New hats just listed in my Etsy shop.

a Candy Cane hat ...Yum

Peppermint Candy hat ...Yum, yum

another version of Peppermint Candy hat ... Yum, yum ,yum

OK, so it's not a peppermint candy hat but just as yummy, don't you think?
Precious granddaughter!

Santa hat

Aba-daba-daba.....that's all folks !

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Just ask

I had some "free" time at CrossRoads last night so here are some pictures...

the outdoor decorations my husband (recovering from a BAD cold)  so selflessly helped me set up:

the GIANT burning log...yes, there really is a log there.....

it's like a big, wood chimney...really impressive to watch

My shop all decked out....

New hats....

Hats are also available at

CrossRoads is open every Sat. until the Sat. before Christmas.  Come and see me!  Right now
I'm running a special for November on floral arrangements including Christmas wreaths!
If you come see me and say " I read your blog", I'll add an additional 10% off the November special !

Now for a more serious topic:

Please pray for all the family and friends affected by the recent tragedy at Fort Hood. Our family is thanking God that our daughter was not on post that day.  Last year, at this time, she would have been. This year, she was nearby at a local school, shook up, but safe. Ironically, our son-in-law was 'safe' in Iraq rather than on post where he undoubtably would have been had he been home.  God ways are curious and mysterious and sometimes we don't understand why things happen as they do.  I don't believe God ever does a bad thing, I believe He allows bad things to happen.  He isn't a puppet master, pulling strings and controlling every thing.  Would we really want that?  Would we really want a God that gives us no opportunity to make our own choices? But thankfully, if we ask Him, He will help guide us to make the right choices, He will forgive us when we make the wrong ones, and He will turn our bad choices into good results, if we ask.   Just ask.


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

What I've learned

This is what I've learned from watching the world series:

1. A foul is a strike but a strike is not a foul
2. Jorge can be pronounced Hor-hay  and George
3. My dad loves the Yankees but gets frustrated and calls them the Catz and Jammer kids
4. There's spit - everywhere - from everyone - what did their mother's teach them ?  Is all that fluid really necessary?
5. There's alot of jewelry.....some of it looks like rope
6. My husband tries to explain the game to me...a lost cause I think
7. I feel sorry for the pitcher when they get replaced, right in front of everyone, in the middle of the field.  Why can't they do it quietly, in the dugout, so it's not so embarrassing?
8.....did I mention all the spitting????????
9. Utley looks like Eric close
10. Jeter looks like Jeter

The end
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