Monday, January 25, 2010

No ! You can't grow up!

In 5 minutes my youngest daughter will turn 24 !  No !  Where did my little girl go?  Where is my little girl who loved to play dress-up? Who loved to sing? Who would disappear and we'd find her sitting in the dirt beside our dog petting her and singing to her?
I guess it has to  happen.
She's become a lovely young lady, working, out on her own, miles away (I still insist she contacts me in some way everyday so I know she's alive and well), making decisions on her own, showing courage that I never had, and whose older sisters go to for fashion advice.
We're proud of you sweetie !  We miss you ! Feel our hugs across the miles. 
Happy Birthday - xoxoxoxoxo

Call your mother.

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh and cry too!!! And to all reading, it's true. Kris is an awesome advice giver and I admire her so much! Man, I love my family!!!!! :-)


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