Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hope Like Wildflowers by Pepper Basham ~ a book review

This is the third book in a series.  While it would be helpful to read the other books, this is a stand-alone story set in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in the early 1900’s. 

Kizzie McAdams finds herself alone and frightened and stranded in the forrest surrounded by wild coyotes.  Her job as a housemaid in the local landowner’s house ends when she discovers her relationship with the son has left her pregnant.  He is afraid he will lose his inheritance so he refuses to marry her.  Her father, upon learning of her situation, disowns her and throws her out. She is taken in by a local couple, Joshua and Nella.  She is mistreated by the local community, referring to her as a soiled dove and kept woman.  After it becomes clear that the father of her child is not going to marry her she decides to leave and start a new life in another town.  Just as Joshua rescued her, she rescues Noah after his carriage crashes. The friendship that develops is very respectful and heartwarming but is threatened by Noah’s stressful and sometimes contentious relationship with his brother.  His brother is  currently in control of the family business.  Eventually, Kizzie finds herself having to make a life changing decision.

The author gives us a wonderful story of complex family situations, unfair stereotypes, acceptance, forgiveness and redemption. Kizzie’s deep faith and reliance on God’s love guide her.  This is a story of rich verses poor and discovering what really makes one rich.

This is from the publisher:

"An Appalachian Girl Seeks a Place to Belong
Return to the mountains of 1910s Appalachia with beloved author Pepper Basham to discover Kizzie McAdams's story.

Kizzie McAdams spent her childhood longing to see beyond the mountains of home, but when her job as a servant in a landowner’s house results in an unplanned pregnancy, her world tips into uncertainty and heartbreak. Disowned by her father, she seeks comfort in the arms of the man who promises to take care of her, but his support is conditional and inconsistent. She finds acceptance in the home of a nearby family who not only offer Kizzie friendship but point her to a deeper understanding of God’s love.

Despite her change of heart, her status as a social outcast brings with it continued threats and alienation so she flees her past in hopes of starting over in a nearby town. But her new world carries many of the same prejudices as the old. It also brings the unexpected friendship of businessman Noah Lewis, a man who lives with the same desire as Kizzie for helping the marginalized.

Unfortunately, Kizzie and Noah’s attempts to help those in need pit them against Noah’s elder brother, a powerful mill owner who holds control of the family finances. Is Kizzie and Noah’s growing romance strong enough to battle family power, social expectations, and Kizzie’s past to capture their happy ending? And when Kizzie’s first love returns to claim her, which future will she choose? "

You will not want to put this down, it will keep you engaged, page after page.

Go HERE to read an excerpt.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed  are my own.



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