Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Reluctant Pioneer by Julie McDonald Zander ~ a book review


This book, based on a true story, takes us on a wagon train over the Oregon trail. Nicholas and his wife, Matilda, leave their farm in the Midwest to find and settle a new homestead in Oregon territory.  The trip consists of many hardships, illness, injury and adventure.  They see some of their fellow travelers die along the way, some loose heart and leave the train early.  Matilda is at first, reluctant to go. She fears for the safety of their four sons and her unborn baby. She doesn’t want to leave her family, who she thinks she will never see again. She is comforted by the fact that they are traveling with a nephew and his wife.  Their faith is very important to them and they rely on it to encourage themselves and other travelers. They cross raging rivers, mountain peaks and barren stretches but Nicholas never loses sight of his dream, even when personality clashes threaten the morale of the travelers.

This is an exciting story that you will not want to put down.  It will hold your interest until the end.

The publisher says this:

“Matilda Koontz cherishes her life as a wife and mother on a Missouri farm, but her hardworking husband wants to claim free farmland in the Pacific Northwest. When he suggests selling the farm to trek two thousand miles across the Oregon Trail, she balks. 

But in the spring of 1847, Matilda and Nicholas Koontz and their sons embark on a grueling journey westward. Fresh graves testify to dangers of disease, accidents, starvation, and a multitude of hazards threatening her family and her beloved’s dream.

With new struggles at every turn, Matilda wonders how she can protect her sons on such a perilous journey. Will they reach the trail’s end? Will the babe growing inside her womb survive?

When tragedy strikes, the question changes: How can she possibly continue?

This pioneer woman’s journey is inspired by a true story.”

If you like historical tales based on actual events and people, you will not be disappointed.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from the publisher  via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed  are my own.



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